Friday, June 7, 2013

Pixie [Raw]

If you could do anything sexually that you haven't done before what would it be?

I really want two guys to share me. But you didn't hear that from me ;)



clype: hate when you talk about being fat and someone goes 'omg no you're not fat! you've got a...


hate when you talk about being fat and someone goes 'omg no you're not fat! you've got a great body!!' cos like

yeah I do have great body

and I'm fat

I have a great fat body

any questions?

Kisses, love you kids :) can't even explain how happy the...

Kisses, love you kids :) can't even explain how happy the sun makes me.

My home.

My home.

:) off to work

:) off to work


Love to bend u over and lick your ass and then turn u over and kiss u and toss u up and fuck u up against the wall

Well that sounds delightful

U got a fucking sexy ass

Awwh thank youu

Polaris Razr, Honda 400's (what I ride), or you can ride on the back of my waverunner since it's hot out :p

Yesssss lets do this.

All I have to say is WOW! You're so beautiful! I can tell already I'm going to visit this page OFTEN! HOURLY?

Welcome!! ^_^

Your beauty is my idea of perfect.

Awwwh omg that's so sweet…

mermaiderotica: There's a special place in hell for ex boyfriends


There's a special place in hell for ex boyfriends

Niggas who say "no homo" are carefully crafting an identity that looks as heterosexual as possible.




Chill fam, it's ok.

No one is waiting to violently face fuck you because you make a slightly questionable comment.

Well, someone might be, but tough luck for them.

people read into no homo way more than they should

It’s it just like saying I love you, in a strictly platonic fashion?



Lounging for a minute in between sewing projects.

Lounging for a minute in between sewing projects.

it has been brought to my attention...

that some of my followers live extremely close to me and know my friends. lol awkward.

sooo….not sure how to handle this.

justsaypleaseandgetonyourknees: Reblogging myself because I...


Reblogging myself because I fucking can <3

shes so sexy ;) xoxo

Love the blog and your beautiful self. But I really respect you too because you're not an asshole like some of these other tumblr girls that just shit on every anon or user that compliments them. I've seen these girls on here who do nothing but make rude responses to people's questions (some do deserve it, I'm not defending everyone here) but you're the only one who likes these compliments and thanks us for them. It just shows you care about your followers more :)

this just made my entire tumblr life. :) I see how other people handle questions, and it does tend to show their true colors. If someone is going to go out of their way to talk to me, I am going to be nice. Its just how I am I guess. Thank you for noticing! I do love my followers. You guys are always there for me. xoxo

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